Friday, October 30, 2009

Smoke and Mirrors

The Speaker of the House is on television claiming victory for all Americans with the latest Health Care Bill. How can a $900 billion dollar expenditure be a victory for everyone in this country? Polls show that the majority of people do not want government run health care. Yet President Obama and his people insist on jamming this legislation down our throats.

This administration is beyond arrogant. The organized tea parties and protests that were held across the country show that people are not on board with Obama and his plans for change. The Pelosi's, Ried's and Barney Frank's all tout that they are looking out for all Americans. It sure seems like they are looking..........for ways to have complete government control in our lives.

Everytime one of Obama's staff speaks about success the administration is having, you have to scrutinize the statement and dig to see where the truth is. The latest being that Health Care Reform is going to cost $900 billion. The real truth is the Democrats have left out an additional $240 billion that they will attach to a seperate bill and get it pushed through that way.

Enough with the smoke and mirrors. As an American I am offended that this administration believes we are inept and cannot make decisions for ourselves. This health care bill is a bad idea. We can not afford this expenditure at this time. We are so far in debt right now, we will never get out from underneath it in our lifetime. Yet, in November there is an upcoming vote to borrow another trillion dollars. Bad idea Mr. President.

Gary Bahosh


  1. couldnt agree more. As a proponent of health care reform, I find the watered down version now being "Sold" to americans an offense. not only is it costly,but falls far short of addressing health care reform. Just one more political sell out.

  2. A few things you should know about universal healthcare that will make you sick!
