Monday, October 26, 2009

A Little More to the Right Please.............

One of the challenges facing the Republican National Committee in the 2010 elections is going to be "Brand Awareness". Defining who the base voter is and where the party stands on the issues facing America today.

The RNC seems to have a mind set of moving toward the center and not wanting to alienate the potential independent voters. I would prefer a strategy that moves further right, away from center and clearly take a stand on fiscally conservative values and re-establish a clear agenda .

One of the policies that George W. Bush had was to try and reach "Across the Aisle" and get the Democrats approval on his policy making. The "Lead by Example" tactic fails miserably against the left and always has. What Bush was attempting may seem honorable, but that type of negotiation leads to compromise of ideas as well as failure to establish a clear path of policy and responsibility.

I think most people now agree that the current administration's agenda is both radical and dangerous to say the least. The out of control spending by the White House is well documented and in the forefront of conversations.

There is a growing pool of both democrats and independent voters who will be looking to end the spending free fall of Obama . The time is now for the RNC to stop trying to make both sides happy and get back to traditional conservatism. The American people will be looking for it and and a clear, well defined sense of leadership from their elected officials is in order.There is no room for compromise. So please, a little more to the right!


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