Thursday, December 10, 2009

Is Anybody Listening ?

The Obama administration continues to let the voice of the people fall on deaf ears. This week President Obama announced plans to unveil a 2nd "Stimulus Bill" aimed at creating shovel ready jobs and rebuilding our infrastructure in the US. Haven't we already been sold this line of malarkey once already?

In a press conference Obama stated "We Need To Spend Our Way Out Of This Recession". Apparently our president has never heard the phrase "When You Are In A Hole, Stop Digging". The first Stimulus created relatively few jobs and encouraged all kinds of waste and fraud. Erroneous numbers of jobs being created and the now infamous "Jobs Saved" cliche are rampant.

The Health Care Reform Bill being touted by the Dem's is a disaster. Yet Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi keep talking about "Making History". I agree we are making history, but not in the same context as these two liberal mouthpieces.

Most polling shows that Americans are against another Stimulus and against the current Health Care Reform Bill as it is written. These elected officials are going to push these bills through regardless of the desire of it's citizens.

When Obama talked about transparency during his campaign, he spoke the truth. He is telling us exactly what he is going do and does it regardless of what the people of this country think.

Here's the deal on this runaway train. Everyone needs to be ready for the 2010 elections and vote these officials out of office who refuse to listen to their electorates. We can not afford to sit back and say " Oh Well, Business As Usual In Washington". Our country and freedom depend on it.

Gary Bahosh


  1. This is why we've got to focus on solutions closer to home. The Federal Porkopulus is out of control; they've long since exceeded their Constitutional powers and nobody is ready to challenge them on that yet.

    Matt Jacobson stands out as a candidate for governor who understands that we've got to pick up our own shovels to make Maine an economic power. You can check his platform out at

    The Federal government is not our savior; and it shouldn't be our Mother and Father either.

    Let's take care of business closer to home!

    Best thoughts,
    Jim Bouchard

    Most people who argue politics get angry because they really do not have a handle on their subject, though a strong feeling. It is easier to gain confidence than you think. Just look at the roots to understand the whole tree. Answers or, better, questions, flow easily when the roots are clear. There are only two sides to a political argument. One side says community interests are more important than are individual interests, and the reverse is the other side, as cited on Look at this site and take the ten simple steps to have a clear and confidant vision from which all issues are easily grasped and discussed.
