Thursday, December 10, 2009

Is Anybody Listening ?

The Obama administration continues to let the voice of the people fall on deaf ears. This week President Obama announced plans to unveil a 2nd "Stimulus Bill" aimed at creating shovel ready jobs and rebuilding our infrastructure in the US. Haven't we already been sold this line of malarkey once already?

In a press conference Obama stated "We Need To Spend Our Way Out Of This Recession". Apparently our president has never heard the phrase "When You Are In A Hole, Stop Digging". The first Stimulus created relatively few jobs and encouraged all kinds of waste and fraud. Erroneous numbers of jobs being created and the now infamous "Jobs Saved" cliche are rampant.

The Health Care Reform Bill being touted by the Dem's is a disaster. Yet Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi keep talking about "Making History". I agree we are making history, but not in the same context as these two liberal mouthpieces.

Most polling shows that Americans are against another Stimulus and against the current Health Care Reform Bill as it is written. These elected officials are going to push these bills through regardless of the desire of it's citizens.

When Obama talked about transparency during his campaign, he spoke the truth. He is telling us exactly what he is going do and does it regardless of what the people of this country think.

Here's the deal on this runaway train. Everyone needs to be ready for the 2010 elections and vote these officials out of office who refuse to listen to their electorates. We can not afford to sit back and say " Oh Well, Business As Usual In Washington". Our country and freedom depend on it.

Gary Bahosh

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The Man Behind The Curtain

The political pressures, paybacks and the almighty dollar are the driving forces behind the Health Care Reform package aka Obama Care. The political spin would have you believing it is about helping the poor,taxing the rich and reigning in spending.

I heard an ad yesterday on local television urging the people of Maine to support the legislation that President Obama hopes to have on his desk soon. Democratic Congressman Mike Michaud, touts in the ad how he is fighting for all Maine people to bring about health care reform. The advertisement further states that "Mainers" were being denied health care and the insurance company CEO's are getting fat with the profits being turned by their companies.

As is typical with political advertisements, the end of the commercial states who paid for the spot on television. This ad was bought and paid for by the money chomping labor union, SEIU. They cleverly, try to disguise themselves by listing a website on the screen as SEIU COPE. The behemoth union's boss Andy Stern, has visited President Obama at the White House 22 times in ten months. I am sure his purpose at Pennsylvania Avenue was not shooting hoops or smoking butts.

The real agenda for President Obama and the Democrat controlled House and Senate may be Health Care Reform, but not for the reasons that they state. Labor Unions were highly instrumental in getting Obama elected. In return for much needed funding and support to run a presidential campaign, cooperation and political favors are expected.

The man behind the curtain is Andy Stern. His hacks are "Kicking In Doors" at businesses across the country to expand their union presence. This bill would eventually bring an end to private insurance companies who employ about 5% of the US population. A solution that the Democrats refuse to put on the table would be to offer competition among the insurance companies across state lines.

This health care bill is a mess and the shenanigans behind it are deplorable.

Gary Bahosh

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Trophies for Everyone !!!!!

In an effort to show the world that America is compassionate, President Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder have decided to bring the "Worst of the Worst" to New York City to face charges for the attacks that took place on 9/11.

I have no idea why the administration believes these cold blooded killers have the same rights as American citizens. This court room drama is probably going to escalate into quite a side show. To the extremist followers, they will be hailed as heroes. Defense Attorneys for the terrorists will embolden other radical extremists with charges of abuse and torture against the US Government.

The real abuse and torture occurred on the morning on Sept 11, 2001. These murderers had zero compassion or sympathy for the victims or their families as they set their deadly plan in motion.

The Obama Administration is so hell bent on reversing all Bush polices they are endangering all Americans.We were asleep at the switch with the Fort Hood shootings. All kinds on intelligence showing Nadal Malik Hasan was linked to extremists. Yet the government chose not to anger the Muslim sector and this tragedy unfolded. Stories of the shooters PTSD condition have been blamed by some for his motive. On the contrary, this US Army psychiatrist patient load was 38 clients spread out over 38 weeks, one-tenth of the normal case load.

In Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad continues his nuclear weapon activities. We know exactly what he is up to but choose to look the other way. Once again, not wanting to upset the apple cart. Kim Jong IL, the mad mad from N.Korea duped us with this same elusive behavior when former President Clinton, with the aid of another former President Carter threw US tax dollars at N.Korea. for a broken promise.

Instead of giving everyone trophies like they are kids playing T-Ball, let's get back to the premise of "Winners and Losers".

God Bless The USA !

Gary Bahosh

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Go On Take The Money and Run

Yesterday I learned that the White House web site, has inflated and fictitious tracking data posted in regards to the job creation from the Stimulus Bill. While I'm not surprised by the discrepancies, I am more concerned about the lack of respect being shown to the American public.

When President Obama was campaigning, his use of the Internet and technology attracted a whole new generation of voters. His ability to harness and captivate the Internet audience produced never seen before record donations to his cause.

On the aforementioned web site, 640,329 jobs are claimed to have been saved since the infusion of the federal monies from the Stimulus. It has now come to light, that in fact many of the recipients of the aid have been lying about the job numbers they have been reporting. In addition, the web site data shows fictional congressional districts throughout the US that do not exist. Saved job numbers are being reported as well in these erroneous precincts.

The issue I am having is a simple one. How can such a well oiled machine during the campaign process, think that this type of half hazard accountability is acceptable to the citizens of this country?

Gary Bahosh

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Do Not Pass Go...........Do Not Collect $200

The Democrats have passed their Health Care Reform Bill through the House by the slimmest of margins. I am appalled at the levels they have and continue to stoop to get this signed into law. A Democratic California Representative has spoken publicly about $128 million dollars that can be steered his way for a new building in his district, at a university that was offered by his constituents for his approval vote. This is just 1 person who came out and talked about it. Imagine the promises, winks and handshakes behind closed doors that the public is not privy to. Not to mention the strong arm tactics that this administration has become known for in just 1 year.

These elected officials are brandishing our tax dollars like a Monopoly Game player making a deal to trade Pennsylvania Railroad for St. James Place. The audacity and brazen disrespect for the tax payer by this administration is appalling.If all the special interest groups, palm greasing and paybacks for support are put aside, what is the real cost of Health Care Reform?

The Democrats like to tout they are the party of Humanitarians. How about some sympathy for the schleps that are picking up the tab on this Health Care fiasco? I find it hard to comprehend that these people actually believe they are helping all Americans.

The 2010 elections are 1 year away. That is not a long time in a normal election year. However at the rate this administration has accelerated spending it cannot come fast enough for this writer.

Gary Bahosh

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Making a Statement

The American voters are sending a message to their elected officials. The off year election results reveal a desire to return to a sense of normalcy in the U.S. One year ago when President Obama was campaigning and winning the November Presidential election he ran on the premise of change. Well, I think the majority of of voters had zero inclination into what kind of change Obama actually meant.

The outlandish government spending has just about everyone concerned and worried. A lack of direction in Afghanistan shows our troops and their families the Commander and Chief lacks intestinal fortitude. And the months spent on the latest Health Care bill clearly puts job creation on the back burner. All of these actions or lack of by the Obama team has had a trickle down effect on the state and local levels.

In an attempt to separate themselves from huge election losses yesterday, Harry Reid came out and announced he would not have a final Health Care bill ready for a vote until after the New Year. This strategy is meant to defuse the momentum that is gathering against the liberal agenda.

The Democrats are the masters of "Dirty Pool" and will not take these losses lightly. Although they will spin it in the "State Run Media" that none of these off year elections were important to them. Trust me they will be loaded for bear when November 2010 rolls around.

Gary Bahosh

Friday, October 30, 2009

Smoke and Mirrors

The Speaker of the House is on television claiming victory for all Americans with the latest Health Care Bill. How can a $900 billion dollar expenditure be a victory for everyone in this country? Polls show that the majority of people do not want government run health care. Yet President Obama and his people insist on jamming this legislation down our throats.

This administration is beyond arrogant. The organized tea parties and protests that were held across the country show that people are not on board with Obama and his plans for change. The Pelosi's, Ried's and Barney Frank's all tout that they are looking out for all Americans. It sure seems like they are looking..........for ways to have complete government control in our lives.

Everytime one of Obama's staff speaks about success the administration is having, you have to scrutinize the statement and dig to see where the truth is. The latest being that Health Care Reform is going to cost $900 billion. The real truth is the Democrats have left out an additional $240 billion that they will attach to a seperate bill and get it pushed through that way.

Enough with the smoke and mirrors. As an American I am offended that this administration believes we are inept and cannot make decisions for ourselves. This health care bill is a bad idea. We can not afford this expenditure at this time. We are so far in debt right now, we will never get out from underneath it in our lifetime. Yet, in November there is an upcoming vote to borrow another trillion dollars. Bad idea Mr. President.

Gary Bahosh

Monday, October 26, 2009

A Little More to the Right Please.............

One of the challenges facing the Republican National Committee in the 2010 elections is going to be "Brand Awareness". Defining who the base voter is and where the party stands on the issues facing America today.

The RNC seems to have a mind set of moving toward the center and not wanting to alienate the potential independent voters. I would prefer a strategy that moves further right, away from center and clearly take a stand on fiscally conservative values and re-establish a clear agenda .

One of the policies that George W. Bush had was to try and reach "Across the Aisle" and get the Democrats approval on his policy making. The "Lead by Example" tactic fails miserably against the left and always has. What Bush was attempting may seem honorable, but that type of negotiation leads to compromise of ideas as well as failure to establish a clear path of policy and responsibility.

I think most people now agree that the current administration's agenda is both radical and dangerous to say the least. The out of control spending by the White House is well documented and in the forefront of conversations.

There is a growing pool of both democrats and independent voters who will be looking to end the spending free fall of Obama . The time is now for the RNC to stop trying to make both sides happy and get back to traditional conservatism. The American people will be looking for it and and a clear, well defined sense of leadership from their elected officials is in order.There is no room for compromise. So please, a little more to the right!


Thursday, October 22, 2009

Priorities Askew?

I find it interesting how President Obama has prioritized his agenda for the success of the United States. He began with the heralded stimulus package. This influx into the American economy was promised to halt the surge in the employment rate at 8%. Needless to say this has not happened. We are now at 10% unemployment with some economists questioning that figure. It could actually be closer to 15% as the White House has devised a new formula that now brings saved jobs into the equation. The promise of shovel ready jobs that were going to crop up across the nation has proved to be a falsehood as well. Most of the monies thus far have been spent on welfare, labor unions (payback for their campaign support) and food stamps.

We now have before our legislatures our biggest expenditure yet..........Health Care Reform. I think most of us would agree that reform is long overdue. However, socialized medicine to the tune of $900 billion dollars over ten years for five years of service is insane. And these costs will only escalate as the administrations real agenda here is to eliminate the insurance companies. When this reform process was started it was supposed to give everybody coverage. Now there will be 15-20 million still uninsured. Doesn't seem like money well spent to me. Why not take the time to do it right?

The situation that President Obama has allowed to develop in Afghanistan is sad. We have American soldiers in harms way and he can't make a decision on whether or not to send in more troops for support. In this war it is either "ALL IN" or get the heck out of there.

I believe the administration realizes it is losing support within it's own party as well as independents, hence the battle with Fox News. In addition they seem to want to silence anyone who questions their agenda. The latest being the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.